Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Post 1

I think that I would be the Apocalyptic Hero because at times I can see myself going down the wrong paths in life but do nothing to change. I know in the end that I am only hurting myself and maybe even drastically effecting how well I do in life. Although I always find a way to get through my struggles, if more effort had been put into all the things I do I would be a lot better off in the long run and I know this. I’m not sure why I sit by and watch myself get by with the bare minimum when I am capable of so much more; I guess it has not sunk in the seriousness of our everyday actions.

Post 2

I seem to have found myself on a guest for identity. This past year I have realized so much of who I have always thought I was that was just simply not me. I have come to strong personal beliefs that make me different although I am still not ready to stand alone. So much of my identity is in my friends and as a realist I know they will not always be there. Knowing yourself is one of the most important things in life along with being the wonderful person you should feel you are. Without knowing yourself inside and out there is simply no way to know others as well as we could. High school is a huge eye opener and great help when learning just to be who you are but I think for me the big turning point will be when I leave home and no longer have those friends there to lean on. I’m sure I will change a little maybe even a lot in that time but finding my true identity is worth changing who I am now for who I will be one day. I am still trying to find where it is in life I belong although I know it will lose me plenty of friends along the way but sure enough as old go new will come. People change and life goes on.

Post 3

My mother has always supported me in the things I have done in life and let me know to just be who I am. From driving me to dance practice or choir concerts she has always done her best to help me secede. I know that she will always be there the same way she has been in the past and I can call her with pretty much anything. I tell her almost everything; she is one of my best friends!

Post 4

My threshold guardian is probably my best friend Lauren as well as I hers. We aren’t the best influence on each other which can sometimes hold us back but at times we just need a negative influence. Even with people in my life who will not help me succeed it would not be any better without her or any other negative influence. We make our own decisions and without the possibility of them being wrong there is no way for them to be right either.

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